I once had an English teacher named Mr. Stalmach. He was old and had an odd way of writing on the chalkboard, with his elbow bent awkwardly way out from his body. I used to refer to the time spent in his classes as The Stalmachian Age. Nobody thought it was funny then either.
Which brings me to the latest age: Springsteenian. Or, as it is known by its scientific name, Bossism.
Def. Bands whose albums, or, in some cases entire careers, are based on the influence of Bruce Springsteen.
The Killers would qualify for Sam’s Town. The Hold Steady too, not only for its general musical similarity, but for writing my favourite Boss song ever that was not written or performed by the Boss: You Can Make Him Like You. Then there would be the gold standard in Springsteenian: Marah, which would be responsible for approving every other band’s entry into this esteemed category.
Springsteenian. It could be…no, it should be its own musical category. Write your congressman today!
Prediction: 6.4. Actual rating: pending. Point differential: TBD.