Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Decemberists goodness

Well holy shit! Looks like I still got it.

My prediction for the new album from the Decemberists was so close...so tantalizingly close. It's going to make my Top 10 list!

I guess it's like they always say: once you learn how to predict the Pitchfork rating for upcoming releases you never really forget!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Decemberists - The King is Dead *

I'm a little out of practice.

But I have to start somewhere. The first prediction of the new era is the new Decemberists album, The King is Dead.

Now I'll admit, I hate this band. I find it boring, and Colin Meloy's voice makes me want to do bad things.

But this new album is apparently country-informed.

Which does sound promising.

Unfortunately I don't think it will be the good type of country-informed. I'm pretty sure this album will continue the Decemberists brand of what I like to call douchebag-indie.

But it isn't about me. It's about the rating.

I'm predicting a 7.1.

Actual rating: 7.2. Point differential: 0.1.
